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Moon void of course (voc) in Horary

By Wroskopos February 19, 2010

Moon void of course (voc) in Horary

Moon is the most important body in Horary. She is the co-indicator of any question. As Moon moves only forward in its respective phenomenal movement, we can think of it as linear time-frame: past aspects give insight on past events; future aspects predict future events. No aspects mean no events, which promptly brings us to the concept of a moon being void of course and its meanings.

What is a VOC Moon ?

"Void of Course. Said of a planet which forms no complete aspect before leaving the Sign in which it is posited at birth. When the Moon is so placed it denies fruition to much of the good otherwise promised in the Figure. In Horary Astrology a planet so placed is said to indicate a person devoid of objective or purpose, hence one who abandons himself to aimless endeavor." N.DeVore

"This is most usually in the Moon; in judgements doe you carefully observe whether she be void of course yea or no, you shall seldom see business go handsomely forward when she is so."W.Lilly

Any planet can be void of course but, it is especially noticeable with Moon and in addition she is the most important body in Horary so, it makes perfect sense that many authors paid extra attention to this condition. When moon perfects no major (Ptolemaic) aspects with another body until she leaves the sign she is in, we call it a Void of Course Moon (VOC). We do not take into account aspects to parts or fixed stars or house cusps; only toward the sun and the planets.

Sometimes Moon is VOC through the majority of a sign. For example if planets are all gathered in the first 5 degrees, moon will be void of course from 5 01'to 29 59'. In such occasions, she is considered "feral"; a wild, ferocious and unfavorable Moon (unless your Horary is for a lost animal, where would make sense to have Moon in a feral condition and would not be an ill omen on itself).

This is one of the most important considerations before judgment; don't ignore it, as it actually holds an answer of its own. Can you judge a chart with VOC Moon? Yes you can! it is a consideration; not a stricture against judgment.

Meanings of VOC Moon

If your void of course Moon appears in the beginning of a sign, it means the situation is still at the beginning and things will delay starting their course of action.

If your void of course Moon is in the middle of a sign, the situation is currently under a halt, except delay and idling before events start happening again.

If your Moon is void of course at the end of a sign, it offers you the answer to your question, which can be:

- Nothing happens (which can be a good thing depending on the question)

- No significant changes

- Unfruitful actions, futile attempts

- Things will proceed slowly and with difficulty

- Efforts met with shame and loss

- Bad, tiresome, useless business

- Conclusion has already occurred

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