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The link "Position of Fixed Stars' will direct you to an older website with a downloadable list of fixed stars updated 1 Jan 2016.

Fixed stars move approximate 1 degree in 72 years. Not much change as yet.

Below you see first an image that shows partly our starry sky above.

In the middle, we have Draco and the Little Bear. The Polarstar Polaris is on the Little Bears tail end right above the North Pole.

Then the middle ring of constellations and the twelve zodiac signs is the outer ring here.

The twelve zodiac signs we know of as our birth sign when the Sun is that sign. 

The Ancients used another 36 constellations together with the twelve we know.


The following images are the twelve Zodiac signs as we know them today in the West. They are called Urania's Mirror a handpainted card set first printed in 1824 with little holes where the stars are situated when holding them to the light you can see the formation of the stars that make up the constellation. 

The following images are the twelve Zodiac signs as we know them today in the West. They are called Urania's Mirror a handpainted card set first printed in 1824 with little holes where the stars are situated when holding them to the light you can see the formation of the stars that make up the constellation. 

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